An Inbound Marketing Gameplan

This infographic of a Gameplan for Inbound Marketing popped up today on the Google+ Inbound Marketers group, and I found it extremely handy from a marketing-newbie’s perspective. The folks who put it out, Master Inbound, look to have a very valuable program too – maybe I’ll be able to take their course someday!
The Inbound Marketing Gameplan

Where I’ve Been, Part 1: WordPress Multisite

I realize I posted once and then let things languish for months. That’s what managing 6 brands will do to you, not to mention 3 personal brands and another two dozen client brands on the side! It’s tedious work setting up a website/blog and then half-dozen social accounts thirty times – I haven’t actually even started content marketing on any of them, and here’s why:

WordPress Multisite

My social media marketing, content marketing and inbound marketing efforts were cut short a few weeks after I wrote the last blog post, as my manager decided that half our brands needed complete website redesigns. This meant that two websites needed a new WordPress theme (and lots of content work) and two others needed to be moved over onto WordPress from straight HTML pages. During the last months of 2012 I created a WordPress multisite installation for the company (my second) on a VPS and migrated all but one of our sites onto it. In case you’re wondering, those sites are: